Notification, Registration, Renewal of a Food Business

Notification:  Businesses and individuals that sell low-risk prepackaged food are required to notify Council.  This includes, shelf-stable foods that are not processed (cut, handled or prepared in any way) and that do not require temperature control.

Registration:  Businesses that sell, handle or produce food are required to be registered with Council annually. These include permanently constructed fixed premises, mobile food businesses, and temporary food businesses operating for one off events, stalls at markets.

Application types include:

  • Notifying Council - of a low-risk food business not requiring registration.
  • New Registrations - including assessment and inspection.
  • Annual Renewals - emailed from 1 July and due by their 31 July expiry. An additional fee applies for renewals after this date.
  • Mobile and Temporary Food Permits - available for: one off specific occasion, temporary stalls (eg at markets), or statewide registration.

Online Registration / Renewal

Icon number 1 Prepare your documents:
  • Details of proposed or operational quality assurance program, food safety plan or other approved food safety management system. (if applicable)
  • Food safety training certificate of the applicant or on-site responsible person. (if applicable)
  • Plans and Specifications - new or altered premises only. (if applicable)
Icon number 2 Complete the form: