Occupying a Council Street for Activity or doing Work

Would you like to close a part or all of a street/road for an event? Please refer to Road Closure for Events

If you would like to occupy a portion of the road reserve, public street or footpath for an activity or doing work such as: street stalls, fundraising, performance, busking, maintenance, construction, storing materials/equipment, moving livestock? Keep reading below….

Council has adopted the Highways By-law to ensure the function, safety and physical condition of local roads, streets and footpaths within Burnie are protected.  A person seeking to occupy or obstruct a Council street, road or footpath must first complete an application, and obtain a permit from the Council.


Please review the activity specific requirements, guidelines and conditions below.

Application for a Permit to conduct an Activity or Work within a Council Street(PDF, 326KB)

Also known as a Road Occupation Permit - ROP

The permit application form should be submitted more than ten (10) working days before the intended occupation. If consultation with an external agency or a public notification is required the permit processing time may take longer.

The Highways By Law requires a permit to conduct -

  • Street stalls with a charitable or community purpose;
  • Stalls for the provision of advice, information or a service without charge to the general community in relation to charitable, community, educational, health, political or religious purposes;
  • Street surveys and awareness campaigns;
  • Access to a vending machine or a servery on land or premises having frontage to a Council street;
  • Hawking of goods and services; or
  • Retail trade or business activity only in conjunction with an approved event or promotion

 More Information: Street Stalls and the Provision of Information, Goods and Services(PDF, 138KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Compliance Services on 03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit to conduct -

  • Public collections
  • Selling of raffle tickets,
  • The collection of donations and
  • The operation of a street stall for fundraising.

 More Information: Public Collections (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 129KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Compliance Serviceson03 6430 5700.

The Highways By Law requires a permit to display -

  • Freestanding and portable advertising signboards
  • Flags
  • Banners or
  • Bunting

 More Information: Street Advertising - Signs (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 127KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Compliance Serviceson03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit to conduct - 

  • Performances and announcements
  • Busking
  • Musical, artistic or dramatic entertainment
  • Public announcements and
  • Provision of messages of a social, political, religious or environmental nature.

More Information: Performances and Announcements (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 130KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Compliance Serviceson03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit for  -

  • Occupation for works/maintenance occurring to buildings adjacent to road / footpath
    Including the temporary storage of equipment or materials, the operation of plant, hoists and machines
  • Erection of hoarding and scaffolding
  • Placement of freight containers and waste bins
  • Construction, installation or repair of new or existing roads or footpaths
  • Opening road surface for connections to: water supply, sewerage, storm water drains, electricity, communication cables, gas pipelines.

More Information: 

If you have any questions contact Council's Technical Services on 03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit for the - :

  • permanent construction of a crossing or
  • temporary placement of a crossing:

- to or from the carriageway of a highway
- over a footpath
- over a kerb and channel or
- over a table drain

 More Information: Constructing a Driveway to a Council Street (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 25KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Technical Services on 03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit for the -

  • Temporary deposit of materials (eg for landscaping or construction)

It also applies to the -

  • Tracking of material from land or premises adjoining the street, or
  • Spillage of liquid or solid materials from a vehicle travelling on a local street.

More Information: Depositing of Material on a Council Street (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 18KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Technical Services on 03 6430 5700.

The Highways By law requires a permit to -

  1. Graze livestock on a highway;
  2. Use a highway as a holding yard for livestock;
  3. Drive livestock across a highway more than once per week for the purposes of moving them from one part of a farm to another part of that farm or from one farm to another farm; and
  4. Drive livestock along a highway from one location to another with a frequency of greater than once per month.

 A permit cannot be granted if it is reasonably practical to use an alternate route. It is prohibited to drive livestock along any highway in the urban areas of Burnie and Ridgley;

More Information: Livestock on a Council Road (Requirements, Guidelines and Conditions)(PDF, 24KB)

If you have any questions contact Council's Technical Services on 6430 5700.