Open Grants

Open Grants 

2024 Governance for Social Impact Closes 15 September 2024

Variety Tasmania Community And Schools Grant Application 2023-2024 close 30 September 2024.

Variety Tasmania Individual Grant Application 2023-2024- close 30 September 2024.

Variety School Breakfast Club - close 30 September 2024.

Variety Bikes4Kids Community and Schools 2023 - 2024 - close 30 September 2024.

eID Tag Rebate - Sheep & Goats  close 5:00PM 30 September 2024



Business Growth Loan Scheme TAS. Closes 20 December 2024.
This scheme provides businesses with concessional loans to help them develop or expand, or undertake new projects. Closes 20 December 2024.

Free and confidential mental health coaching for small business owners  Closes 31 December 2024.

Funding for Tasmanian employers to improve literacy and numeracy in their workplace Closes 31 December 2024.
26TEN Grants provide businesses and peak bodies with funding to help them improve the literacy and numeracy skills of their workers.

Sign up for Free NBN - up to 31 December 2024.
Eligible families in Tasmania without broadband are encouraged to sign up for a free NBN connection for 12 months as part of the Albanese Government’s ongoing roll-out of the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI).  To be eligible, a family must: Have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school in 2024; Be referred by a nominating organisation; Have no active broadband service over the NBN network; and Live in a premise where they can access a standard NBN service

Tasmanian Community Fund  Closes 31 December 2024.
Applications from not-for-profit community organisations for projects that support strong, vibrant and resilient communities, through programs and activities that remove barriers to learning for 8–19 year olds and build leadership capability and capacity across the community. 

Subsidies for Skills Tasmania endorsed registered training organisations (RTOs)  Closes 31 December 2024.
This program supports Skills Tasmania endorsed registered training organisations (RTOs) to provide training and assessment services.


MCOT Cultural Grants 2024 - The Multicultural Council of Tasmania small grants round (up to $500) aimed at assisting member organisations to deliver community cultural events throughout the year.