Materials and Services Register Suppliers and contractors can register with Burnie City Council for the provision of a range of materials and services.
Expressions of Interest: Cars for Purchase Expressions of interest are invited for the purchase of cars we currently have for sale.
Expressions of Interest : Audit Panel Independent Member Expressions of interest must provide details of the applicant’s experience, skills, knowledge and qualifications that will enable them to undertake the role by 4 December 2024.
Tender - 'Active Transport Strategy' development Burnie City Council is seeking a suitably experienced and qualified consultant to develop an "Active Transport Strategy" for the City of Burnie.
Expression of Interest – Transform Council’s Operational Systems The Burnie City Council is seeking submissions of interest from suitably qualified organisations to work with council to transform its operational information systems with either ‘best of breed’ software modules or an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform.
Contract 2713 - Bitumen Surfacing Services 2024-2025 Contractors are invited to tender for the works: