Event Management Resources



Several possible considerations and permits are required depending on your event ... big or small.

Preparing an event management plan is the best place to start

While preparing your plan review the following pages and consider which of the following applications, or permits you may need.

Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to provide all the information required for each application/permit process.

For large or public events, Contact Council on 03 6430 5700 at least 3-12 months prior to your event to discuss your proposed event management plan.


1. Event Management Plan

Depending on the number of expected participants and type of event, here are some suggested considerations to include in your event management plan:

  1. Event details: why, when, who, where, how (see below)
  2. Place of Assembly Licence (if required)
  3. Location/venue and site plan
  4. Facilities and equipment: toilets, shelter, lighting and audio
  5. Traffic and pedestrian management
  6. Food, alcohol and  public health
  7. Safety: risk management, first aid, security
  8. Event promotion: communication, signage


Event Details

  • What is the purpose of the event? 
  • dates, times, event program/timeline
  • weather/seasonal considerations
  • event cancellation policy and procedure
  • will come? expected attendees
  • will be involved? organisations, businesses
  • will make arrangements? management committee
  • will help? paid contractors/volunteers/friends/family
  • location/venue with required facilities
  • funding 
  • logistics
  • promotion


More Information

For more information on preparing your Event Management Plan download and refer to these resources:


2. Organising committee

Organising an event can be a big task, so it’s a great idea to have a reliable group of people to form an organising committee that will define the roles and responsibilities, review the skills needed, and allocate individual tasks to people with those skills.

Including who will coordinate:

  1. Regular meetings (calendar, invitations and Chair)
  2. Minutes of the meeting and distribute to committee members
  3. Ultimate responsibility for the event and following up Meeting Actions
  4. External parties, as the primary point of contact for the organising committee and suppliers
  5. Budget and payments
  6. Partnerships and Sponsorship
  7. Entertainment
  8. Marketing
  9. Risk Management
  10. Event schedule and timelines


Once established the committee should

  • Prepare a timeline and set up a calendar of meetings for the duration of the event preparation,
  • Draft a template agenda for your meetings,
  • During the meetings nominate a minute taker,
  • Set up a tracking process for the budget, and to follow up on actions outstanding, including critical dates.


3. Event Place of Assembly Licence

For public events with 1000 people or more, present for two hours or more, a place of assembly licence is required. 

 A 'public event' includes, but is not limited to: any performance, exhibition, circus, festival, food festival, pageant, regatta, sports event, dance and publicly advertised lecture.

Contact Council on 03 6430 5700 as early as possible to check what will need to be included with your Place of Assembly Licence Application(PDF, 220KB) (2-12 months prior)


4. Location/Venue and Site Plan

The Burnie area has a wide variety of facilities and locations suitable for events both private and public.

Council-owned or managed locations may be booked in advance for events or functions, take a look through the following links to see if there is a facility or reserve that may be suitable, and make a booking enquiry:


Non-council land:


Site Plan

Its a good idea to prepare a simple site plan, it will help with setting up, plus some permits such as the place of assembly will require one.

Suggested inclusions:

  • the extent of the site, entrance, exits
  • the location and size of all structures including temporary structures (e.g. marquees, jumping castles, temporary stands, food vans and stalls)
  • toilet, water and waste facilities
  • proposed car parking


5. Facilities and Equipment

Consider what you may need to provide access to, for example:

  • toilets
  • equipment, electricity, lighting, sound
  • waste/recycling
  • water
  • shelter - including temporary structures


Toilet Facilities

Does your location/venue have easy access to adequate toilet facilities, or will you need to hire some?

Public toilet locations Burnie: National toilet map

Portable toilet suppliers should be able to assist with an approximation of how many toilets you require, or refer to Table 1 Planning Toilet facilities for events from Crowded places checklist - 08 Public health considerations

Also consider how to keep the toilets clean and restocked throughout your event. 



There are a number of equipment hire businesses that service the Burnie area. 



Waste Management includes:

  • providing waste and recycling bins,
  • cleaning up during and after the event,
  • plus disposing of what has been collected. 

Waste providers or Council can also assist with additional waste and recycling bins or skip, including collection for a fee.

Please call the Waste Management Centre on 03 6430 5834 for advice on suitable waste management for your specific event.

Rethink Waste provides further information in A Guide to Preparing an Event Waste Management Plan  



Taswater can provide water stations/trailer for drinking water, if booked well in advance.


Shelter by Temporary Structures - Occupancy Permit 

 You may need a Temporary Occupancy Permit before you can use some temporary structures, including

  • booth, tent or other temporary enclosure
  • seating structure
  • mobile structure
  • temporary bridge, stage, platform, tower


Some types of smaller temporary structures are exempt from requiring a Temporary Occupancy Permit, review the list here: Temporary occupancy exemptions


If using temporary structures ensure you contact Council on 03 6430 5700 at least eight weeks prior to your event to confirm if your structures are exempt or if you will be required to lodge a Temporary Occupancy Permit application form. 

For some temporary structures you may also be required to engage the services of an external accredited Building Surveyor.


6. Traffic Management 

For guidelines on Traffic and Pedestrian management see Safe Work Australia – Traffic Management: Guide for Events


Council Permissions

You will need to request permission and apply for a permit from Council.

  • If your event will occupy a portion of the road, street or footpath: Occupying a Council Street (at least two weeks prior)  This includes closing a public car park.
  • If you propose to close a local road: Road Closure Events (at least eight weeks prior)

Ensure you contact Council on 03 6430 5700 as early as possible to check if there may be any conflicts (other events or works) that may be using that location for the timing of your event.


Police permissions

You will need to request permission and apply for a permit from Tasmania Police for an event permit (at least eight weeks prior) if you would like to:

  • hold demonstration / street procession, 
  • hold a road cycle race or cycle event
  • close a state road (as well as request permission from State Transport)


7. Food and Alcohol

Food Safety Standards Australia provides comprehensive information on Food Handling and Storage.

If food will be for sale at the event, or will be provided to the general public, food business registration will be required.  Copies of each vendors permits and individual insurances will need to be provided to Council.

Please see further information on Food Permits or call Council on 03 6430 5700.


Responsible serving of alcohol 

Do you plan to serve, provide or sell Alcoholic beverages? 

Review the department of Treasury liquor licencing FAQ's here to see if you will need to apply for a Special Liquor Permit also review the wet area guidelines.


8. Public Safety

Risk Management

Identify potential hazards associated with your event, take steps to minimise or eliminate the risk before your event taking place. 

The Handbook: Making crowded places safe and healthy includes details for assessing risks relating to various aspects of event management such as health, behavior, environment and site.


First Aid

For advice on first aid kits, equipment, and facilities needed for your specific event, or to request attendance at your event contact St John’s Ambulance  Event Health Services.


Fire Safety

The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) Building Safety Unit have produced Fire Safety Guidelines and can provide advice on what you will need to provide for your specific event.



Permits for special fireworks displays and annual cracker night are lodged through ServiceTas: Fireworks application 


Incident management

Recording of incidents that occur is an important way of managing risk.

An incident report should cover the details of the incident - who, where, when and what happened - and what actions were taken i.e. medical attention given, police called etc.

It’s a good idea to notify police, fire, and ambulance emergency services prior to your event so they can respond quickly in an emergency.


Public Liability Insurance

Groups or individuals who do not carry their own public liability insurance but wish to hire Council reserves or facilities may request coverage under Council’s Community Liability Policy subject to eligibility and acceptance at Councils discretion contact council on 03 6430 5700.


Party Safe Program

Tasmanian Police Party Safe Program, party details should be provided to police seven days priorto the event.



Premises that provide music entertainment and/or trade very late may require sufficient licensed crowd controllers to be provided:  Security at Licensed Premise

Security companies providing licensed crowd control/security guards are able to advise you on suggested security requirements for your specific event, such as having two guards plus one per 100 people at your party or event.


Smoke-free areas

The Director of Public Health has designated classes of public events as smoke-free which will require a smoke-free management plan.

Further information, a template, and a list of these types of events can be found on the Public Events section of Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) site: smoke free event


Volunteers - public events

If you are using Volunteers as part of your public event ensure you have a register of Volunteers who have the correct checks and permits for the tasks the will be performing.


Public Safety at Events and Activities

Large public gatherings and events are high-risk activities and must be planned carefully.

Events must be conducted safely and in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of Public Health, local government, workplace health and safety regulators, and others.

For the foreseeable future it is important to reduce the chances of infections such at COVID-19 spreading at an event.  Public Health has developed guidance to help event organisers to manage COVID-19 safety at events and make the health and safety of staff and patrons the priority.  Public Health Guidance COVID-19 safety at events.


9. Event Promotion


Consider how you will communicate with key personnel and participants before and during your event.  

If your event may impact on public transport, emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) or residents in the immediate area notify them two weeks before the event.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your event consider how you will communicate this.


Marketing the event

If an event is open to the public, consider avenues which promote the event to reach a wide-ranging audience:

  • Use social media 
  • Distribute flyers
  • List the event on websites, particularly those which have “What’s On” pages 
  • Approach shops, offices, community groups, community spaces, and local hubs to request permission to display posters.
  • Talk to local media, including newspapers and community radio
  • Engage groups who prepare community newsletters, and offer stories and ideas for them to include to generate publicity for the event.
  • Ask other groups to promote your event through their networks, display your poster, or share your event on their promotional material.


Event Signage

To place signs on:


Council support

Some of the ways Council can support community events are:

  • Inclusion of your event on our online "what's on" event page by using the online form: Add an event
  • Social media promotion for public events.
  • Expressions of Interest for Burnie's Major Events.  You will run it. We'll help fund it.  We can provide funding and assistance, while our partner organisation takes charge of the arrangements. EOI's open early January, and close late February each year.
  • The Community Grants Program provides financial aid for programs, services, and events that engage the community by introducing innovative experiences, maintaining existing resources, and preserving the environment.  Grants are available in one round per year. These open each year in January and close in February, for the upcoming financial year.

 Call council's Functions and Events team on 03 6430 5832 or email events@burnie.tas.gov.au