Sharps Disposal
Burnie City Council provides a sharps disposal container exchange service for residents during business hours. This service is available at Council’s city office for a small fee per 1.4-litre container exchanged (or disposd). Please note that larger containers cannot be exchanged.
This service is not available to commercial businesses. If your business requires sharps disposal (e.g., chemists, medical practitioners, vets, or farmers), please contact a licensed waste contractor specialising in biohazard materials.
What to do if sharps are found in a public place?
Council supplies sharps containers in the majority of public toilets to help encourage individuals to safely dispose of sharps.
However if you see any sharps, especially needles and syringes lying around the Burnie municipality, please call the Burnie City Council on 03 6430 5700 or use the free SnapSendSolve app.
Trained staff will safely collect and dispose of them.