Cracker Night Tasmania

Next date: Sunday, 25 May 2025 | 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM


Cracker night is celebrated 24 May annually (or the following Saturday) with fireworks, bonfires, and other festivities.

Fireworks permits must be obtained to hold a fireworks display, by submitting an application at a Service Tasmania Service Centre at least 21 days prior.

More Information ℹ️ Do-I-need-a-fireworks-permit?
Apply: Apply-for-a-fireworks-permit
Use this link to check for fireworks near you:🎆 Fireworks_issued_permits



Pet Safety

Fireworks and loud noises can be very distressing to pets. To keep your pets safe and calm during Cracker Night, it's best to keep them indoors in a quiet and comfortable room. Put on some music or the TV  to mask the sound and provide them with toys or treats to help distract and soothe them. Additionally, make sure your fences and gates are secure, pets have proper identification and are microchipped, in case they escape or run away during the celebration.

Did you know… a brief history of Cracker Night in Tasmania
1800’s: Cracker Night was originally a celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday in Tasmania with fireworks.
1900’s: The celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday is renamed Empire Day, then Commonwealth Day from the 50’s, the tradition of cracker night fireworks and bonfires continues
2000’s: Tasmanian regulations included restricting the use of Type 2 fireworks to one night a year within a specified timeframe.

Cracker Night is sometimes confused with a similar Bonfire and Fireworks night in Great Britain, known as Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on November 5th.


  • Sunday, 25 May 2025 | 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

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