Council Meetings

Agenda and Minutes

Council Meetings are streamed live, accessible from

The Open Session of the Council meeting will be video recorded and made available to the public in accordance with Regulation 33 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.

Public questions are required to be submitted in writing prior to the start of the meeting.

Search Minutes & Agendas

Browse minutes from previous years 

If you still can't find what you're looking for please email and we can track it down quickly for you.


Public Questions and Responses

The most recent responses to Public Questions are below. 


Responses to Public Questions from previous meetings can be found in the past Council Meeting Minutes.


Submit a Public Question


Meeting Dates

Council meetings are normally held at 7pm, every fourth Tuesday of the month, at the City Offices, 80 Wilson Street, Burnie (except offsite meeting locations where noted below).

  • Tuesday, 26 November 2024
  • Tuesday, 10 December 2024 (including AGM)


Attending Council Meetings

To help protect ourselves and others from illnesses, Tasmanian Public Health advises that practising safe hygiene is still crucial. This includes sanitising your hands upon entering a building and staying at home if you feel unwell.

Although not mandatory, mask-wearing is recommended for people at higher risk of illness, or have had a recent illness, especially indoors where maintaining physical distancing is difficult.


Livestream of Council Meetings

The open portion of the Council meeting is broadcast live online at

A copy of the livestream is available to download within two business days after the meeting. 

Please review these Frequently Asked Questions including:


We would like your feedback on our Livestream Experience Survey


The Burnie City Council (‘the Council’) is committed to providing greater accessibility to the community of the content of public council meetings through live streaming and recording. It is considered this will provide a fuller public record of proceedings that can be made available in addition to formal written minutes.

The opinions or statements made during the course of the Council meeting are those of the particular individuals, and not the opinions or statements of the Council. 

The information contained in the live streaming/recording of Council meetings are provided on the Council’s website on the basis that all persons accessing them undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance, completeness and accuracy of its content. The Council does not accept any responsibility for the comments made or information provided during Council meetings and does not warrant nor represent that the material or statements made during the streamed meetings are complete, reliable, accurate or free from error. The Council does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense you might incur as a result of the viewing, use or reliance of information or statements provided in the live streaming/recording of Council meetings.   

The Council does not necessarily endorse or support the views, opinions, standards or information contained in the live streaming/recording of the Council meetings. In the event that you are offended or consider material/statements made during a council meeting and provided on this site are inappropriate, offensive or in breach of any law, you are entitled to contact the Council, which will then investigate the complaint and take such action as it sees fit.