Council Plan 2024-2027

As adopted by Council 26 September 2023, Item AO145-23

The Burnie City Council Plan 2024-27 describes the actions Council will take over its term of office toward the goals and directions identified in Councils’ strategic plan – Making a Better Burnie 2044


The Council’s key deliverables (goals) in our Four Year Plan are:

Goal 1: Making an active town centre

Over the next four years we will work to improve the activation of our town centre (CBD).  Our priorities for this goal are to ensure the CBD is a great place to live, shop, work and play; it is clean, well serviced and maintained; and it is green, visually attractive and safe.

Goal 2: Making liveable local communities

Over the next four years we will work to make our local communities more liveable, with easier access to services and facilities needed to enjoy daily life.  Our priorities for this goal are to develop planned, connected communities; provide clean green streets, parks and open spaces; and increase the diversity of well-located housing.

Goal 3: Making sustainable built and natural environments

Over the next four years we will focus on improving Council’s sustainability and improve the management of our local ecosystems to improve habitat for native fauna.  Our priorities for this goal are to become leaders in sustainability; have clean and green communities; and healthy, cared for and sustainable environments.

Goal 4: Making culturally rich and vibrant communities

Over the next four years we will work to improve perceptions of safety in Burnie and to increase tolerance and inclusion, so that everyone feels safe, welcomed and able to enjoy their own heritage while celebrating our diversity.  Our priorities for this goal are for active communities; thriving diverse community groups; and participating communities.

Goal 5: Making democratic and engaged communities

Over the next four years Burnie City Council will work to improve confidence in our decision-making, by informing and engaging our community.  Our priorities for this goal are to show leadership through communication, consultation, collaboration and facilitation; be strong advocates for all communities; and delivering this plan and reporting progress annually against Making a Better Burnie 2044

Importantly, the Council Plan also includes six enablers which will underpin the successful delivery of the Council Plan by ensuring an effective and efficient operating environment focused on: financial management; our people; community consultation; data to inform evidenced based decision making; digital transformation; and agility.