Governance Information


Council produces financial, governance and strategic documents to guide its operations and to inform the community about the organisation, its services and future objectives.

If you cannot find the information you require on our website, please call us on 6430 5700 or email us and we can track it down quickly for you.

The Annual Report provides a comprehensive summary of Council’s achievements and performance to planned objectives and actions throughout the previous year.

It is presented at the Council AGM in December each year.

Council enforces a range of rules to ensure community safety and public order.  These rules are set out in Burnie City Council’s local by-laws, and cover a number of aspects of daily life. 

Search Bylaws

Delegations are given by Council to the General Manager, or Acting General Manager, in addition to existing direct powers under legislation.


User fees relate to contributions toward service delivery costs such as, but not limited to Council services including: parking, waste management centre fees and the hire of halls and sporting grounds.

Statutory fees are levied in accordance with legislative requirements including: building fees, planning fees, parking fines and animal registrations.

Council reviews and adopts its fees and charges schedule each financial year.

Current fees and charges are shown below.


As part of its long and medium term planning role, Council develops a range of plans and strategies across various issues. The purpose of this is to guide decisions over the long term toward an agreed plan and direction.

Search Plans and Strategies

Council has several policies in place that provide guidelines to help manage certain situations or events involving the Council and its community.

 A policy sets out Council's views with respect to a particular matter. Policies ensure that council decisions are carried out consistently to support the vision for the region.

 If you have any questions on the content of these policies, please contact us.

Search policies here

The Public Land Register lists land classified as Public Land in the Burnie municipality under Section 177A of the Local Government Act 1993.

The Public Land Register includes (but is not limited to):

  • Parks, reserves, playgrounds, walking tracks, sporting and recreation grounds
  • Public open space and cemeteries
  • Facilities and car parks - leisure, community halls, public toilets


Maps are also available to read in conjunction with the Register.


Council maintains the Council Map, in accordance with section 208 of the Local Government Act 1993.

The council map shows:

  • State highways and council roads (sealed/unsealed)
  • Stormwater pipes within the stormwater district
  • Landslide hazard areas


The council map comprises both urban and rural maps and indexes to roads.


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Right to Information - Assessed Disclosure

The Burnie City Council provides information to the public through proactive disclosure by placing information on our website.

If you have been unable to access the information you are seeking you may complete a Right to Information - Assessed Disclosure Application