Grant Opportunities


Burnie City Council is dedicated to providing our community with the knowledge and opportunities to apply for grant funding as it becomes available.

On this page, you’ll find various local and national grant opportunities to benefit you, your business, or your community group.

If you know of a grant that would benefit the Burnie community that is not listed here, please email:

Dal Stivens Award Closing February 4, 2025. The Dal Stivens Award is presented biennially to an author, aged 30 or under, for a short story or essay of the highest literary merit.

Kathleen Mitchell Award  Closing February 4, 2025.  The Kathleen Mitchell Award is presented biennially to the author, aged 30 or under, of an outstanding novel or novella to encourage advancement in their literary career.

The Marten Bequest Scholarships  Closing: February 4, 2025  Offering talented young artists the chance to explore, study and develop in the areas of:

  • Acting
  • Instrumental Music
  • Painting
  • Poetry

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program. Closes 5 Feb 2025. The Program aims to provide funding for projects that promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service and the roles of those who have served. It also seeks to preserve, add to the sum knowledge of, or provide access to information about Australia's service history’s wartime heritage.  

Neighbours Every Day grants Closes: 7 February 2025. Grants up to $1500 are available for community organisations for grassroots activities or events that foster neighbourly connections, belonging and respectful relationships, with a total pool of $50000 available for events on Neighbour Day, Sunday, 30 March 2025. Examples of activities and events we may fund include workshops, gardening days, street libraries, picnics, bake sales, tea parties, and BBQs. Who Can Apply:

• community orgs, community groups and social enterprises
• local government
• school associations and volunteer-run childcare centres
• individuals whose activity/event is connected with a community group or organisation.


In a Good Place (IAGP) EOI closes 14 Feb. Rural mental health grants program offers grants up to $20,000 for community-driven projects that boost mental, social and emotional wellbeing in remote, rural and regional areas. In two streams:
1. Community Wellbeing
2. Farmers and Farming Communities


26TEN Grants TAS.  tranche two closes 14 February 2025. These grants support employers and peak bodies to run projects to improve literacy and numeracy of Tasmanian workers (paid and volunteers). Projects can include improving all aspects of workplace communication, for example:

  • improving the reading, writing and maths skills of employees, so they can do their jobs better
  • training employees to write work documents in plain English
  • digital literacy for employees with low reading, writing or maths skills
  • surveys, consultations, and research to determine employee's literacy needs
  • training supervisors and managers to support employees with low literacy.


Multicultural Small Business Grant Program closes: 20 February 2025. Funding can be used to obtain business advice or support from a suitably qualified service provider.

TasPorts Community Grant Program Applications close COB Friday 21st February 2025. Round 8 will open on 1st February 2025 for eligible projects taking place between April and to $5,000 are available, as well as in-kind support for venue hire fees and civic banner installation.

Community Support Fund (CSF) Large and Small Grants Program 2024-25 CLOSES - 24 February 2025. Small Grants Up to $25,000 per organisation is available. Small grants must support preventing or reducing gambling harm, this includes projects that address the potential drivers and impacts of gambling harm.
Large grants  Up to $125,000 per organisation is available.  Large grants must prevent or reduce gambling harm, this include projects that address the potential drivers and impacts of gambling harm.

Active Industry Fund Closes 26 Feb. The purpose of the funding is to provide financial resources to sporting organisations to:

  • increase participation and improve retention in sport and active recreation
  • increase safe, fun and inclusive participation opportunities
  • build governance capability for the organisation and its affiliates and/or the sector
  • support education and training opportunities to upskill the sector, e.g. coaching, officiating, governance, child safeguarding and administration.

Tasmanian Community Food Relief Grants Program 2025 closes - 28 February. Funding is primarily for food relief, including ready-to-eat meals and/or food hampers. Organisations can apply for up to $10,000 with a limit of one application per organisation, with a total funding pool of $500,000.

Building digital skills grant closes 28 Feb. $3,000 - $20,500 funding so you can run a program to support over 50's to be connected. Applications now open.

eDelivery Small Business grant program  Opens 6 February. Tasmanian small businesses can soon apply for grants to purchase electric bikes and delivery vans through the Deliver-e Small Business Grant Program, aimed at reducing emissions.
With $300,000 in funding, the program offers:
• $2,500 for a cargo e-bike
• $20,000 for an electric delivery van
Businesses can apply for multiple grants, up to $25,000 total.

Burnie City Council Community Grants Program round for 2025-26 open on Monday, 27 January 2025 and will close on Sunday, 2 March 2025. The grants program enables Council to support a diverse range of  activities, services, programs  and  events  that are responsive to community’s needs. The program aims to activate the community by promoting new and creative experiences and provides opportunities to enhance existing assets and protect and conserve the environment

Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups Closes 4 March. Up to $50,000 for a range of activities and projects, both national and international, across all art forms.

Active Clubs Program 2024-25. Closes 5 March.The Program aims to assist eligible organisations to purchase additional or replace existing equipment to deliver community sport and/or active recreation activities that enhance participation.

Young Digital Mentor Capacity Builder Grant Closes 7 March. $52,500 to train young (16-21 years old) staff or volunteers as digital mentors in your organisation.

Teddy Sheean VC Memorial Grants Program 2024 - 25 Round Two  Closes 18 March. Funds to Tasmanian ex-service organisations and clubs for minor capital works and equipment purchases and welfare initiatives for veterans. Funds are also available to a range of organisations for the repair and maintenance of war memorials, and for the construction of new memorials in Tasmania.

LGBTIQA+ 2025 Grants Program Closes 18 March. Funding to assist organisations to

  • Build capacity of the LGBTIQA+ community,
  • Foster inclusion, respect and dignity for LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians,
  • Enhance access to services and increase participation for LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians.


Arts Tasmania - Young and Emerging Artist Professional Development Program close 17 March 2025.  This program provides support for young and emerging artists and arts workers to undertake professional and skills development activities.

Active Industry Project Fund. Closes 19 March. The purpose of the funding is to provide financial resources to sporting organisations for new projects that will:

  • Increase and/or diversify participation opportunities and development pathways; or
  • Implement new systems for improved administration and performance of the sector.


ChargeSmart Grants Program. Opens 6 Feb. Closes 24 March. Eligible organisations can apply for individual grants of up to $50,000, with a dollar‑matched co-contribution from recipients, to cover the upfront cost of purchasing and installing or upgrading existing electric vehicle fast charging infrastructure in Tasmania for public use.

Hydro Tasmania Community Grants Program. 3 February 2025 5pm Friday 28 March 2025 For not-for-profit community organisations to fund projects that will make a real difference for people and communities in Tasmania. We want to help community groups achieve great outcomes.

News Media Relief Program Closes 31 March 2025. helping the sustainability of Australian news publishers by providing a proportion of salary costs for journalists producing core news content that is distributed digitally.

Family and Sexual Violence: Diverse Community Grants Program 2024 - 25 Round Two  Closes 31 March 2025. Applicants need to demonstrate how they support Tasmanians from the following priority groups of people:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
  • culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people;
  • women on temporary visas;
  • people with disability;
  • older people; and
  • people living in regional, rural and remote locations.


TasPorts Community Grant Program round 8 will open on 1st February 2025 for eligible projects taking place between April and September 2025. Grants up to $5,000 are available, as well as in-kind support for venue hire fees and civic banner installation.



Active Infrastructure Grant Program opens 24 February 2025. Closes 30 April 2025,This grant program provides financial assistance ($25,000 - $500,000) to councils and not-for-profit sport or active recreation organisations. Funding is for spaces that are safe, inclusive, accessible and cater for a range of activities.



Events Tasmania Marketing Grant 2025  Grants between $2,500 and $10,000 are available to support marketing initiatives that promote and attract audiences toTasmanian events held between 1 January and 30 June 2025. Funding is offered in two tiers: Tier 1 ($2,500–$5,000) for events targeting intrastate audiences and Tier 2 ($5,001–$10,000) for interstate audiences.Grants are available until the available funding allocation has been fully allocated or program closes 2:00PM 1 May 2025.

Ticket to Play voucher - open from 4 July 2024 to 30 May 2025. Ticket to Play provides two vouchers worth up to $100 each towards club membership fees for children aged 5-18 years who are listed on a Services Australia Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or in approved Out of Home Care. The key objective of Ticket to Play is to increase the number of young Tasmanians participating in sport and active recreation.

Ticket to Wellbeing  provides two $100 vouchers to Tasmanians aged 65+ with a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card to help cover sport and recreation memberships. The goal is to boost participation and social connections for older residents. Vouchers must be redeemed with an Approved Activity Provider by 1 June 2025.

Championship grants close 29 May 2025. Up to $10,000 are available for eligible competitions that bring more than 100 competitors and supporters to Tasmania, who stay in paid commercial accommodation for three nights or more, and are able to promote pre- and post-championship travel within the state as part of their event marketing.

Touring Grant 2024 - 2025  close 29 May 2025.  Provides funding to organisers of auto, motorbike or walking tours held in Tasmania which encourage visitors to travel around the state.

Tasmanian Festival and Event Support Fund. Closes 30 May 2025. This program is designed to boost regional visitation and strengthen the Tasmanian economy during the shoulder and winter months (from March to November 2025 and 2026) by providing funding for events across the following streams: Event development, Event sustainability, Emerging events, Significant events.


Small Business Advice and Financial Guidance Program Round 4 - Closing date Friday 30 May 2025. This program provides small businesses with funding to engage an appropriate consultant to provide advice or services that will assist in business recovery, transition, growth or application of other management services.



Screen - Island Screen Incentive 2024-25 - 1 June 2025

Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification (eID) Support Scheme TAS.  Support is available for Tasmanian sheep and goat producers, veterinarians, organisations and school farms to help with the costs of implementing eID tagging systems

Funding for TAS primary producers impacted by the severe weather event commencing 26 August 2024

2024 Natural Disaster Primary Producer Recovery Grant - Storm Submissions close 3:00PM 30 June 2025

Waste and Resource Recovery Board Sponsorship Program 2024-25 Submissions close midnight 30 June 2025

Loans for commercial and industrial energy customers for energy efficiency initiatives

Accelerating Trade Grant Program - Round 6 (2024-25) Submissions close 2:00PM 30 June 2025 (AEST).  provides businesses with funding on a co-contribution basis to support activities that will lead to new trade opportunities.

Advanced Manufacturing - Productivity Grant Program 2024/25 Submissions close 3:00PM 30 June 2025

Accelerating Trade Grant Program - Round 6 (2024-25) close 2:00PM 30 June 2025

Energy Bill Relief 2024-25 Financial Year Submissions close midnight 30 June 2025 

Screen Conferences 2024-2025 Submissions close midnight 30 June 2025 

Industry Partnerships Program 2024 Submissions close 2:00PM 30 June 2025

Industry Partnerships Program 2024 - Short Form Proposal Submissions close 2:00PM 30 June 2025

Junior Travel Assistance Program - 2024/25 Closing 30 June 2025 or when the available funding has been exhausted. The Junior Travel Assistance Program (JTAP) provides financial assistance to help alleviate the costs of competing in national sporting championships. Funding will be available for Tasmanians aged 12-18 years selected to travel interstate for the purpose of representing Tasmania in a National Sporting Championship.

Train Now Fund 2024-25 (ST066) Submissions close 2:00PM 30 June 2025



2025 Apprentice and Trainee Training Fund Submissions close midnight 31 December 2025

Residential Land Rebate  close  31 July 2026.

Business Energy Efficiency Scheme close 16 April 2026. This program provides commercial and industrial energy customers with loans to help them implement energy efficient products and services to sustainably reduce their electricity bills

Regional Tourism Development Loan Scheme.  30 June 2026.  This program provides loans to support tourism projects in regional Tasmania.

Social Enterprise Capability Building Grants.  30 June 2026. This program provides funding to social enterprises to help them become more efficient and effective in delivering social benefits to vulnerable Australians.

Rebates for TAS sheep and goat farmers.  This program provides TAS sheep and goat farmers with rebates to help them purchase eligible eID device tags.

Residential Land Rebate TAS 31 Jun 2026. Funding is available for developers to help cover the cost of power, NBN, water and sewerage infrastructure

Tourism and Events

One-off Assistance Grants provides funding to events being held in regional Tasmania outside of the peak tourism season. 

Championship grants of up to $10,000 are available for eligible competitions that bring more than 100 competitors and supporters to Tasmania, who stay in paid commercial accommodation for three nights or more, and are able to promote pre- and post-championship travel within the state as part of their event marketing.

Touring Grants Tasmania provides funding to organisers of auto, motorbike or walking tours held in Tasmania which encourage visitors to travel around the state.

Events Tasmania Marketing Grant 2025  Grants between $2,500 and $10,000 are available to support marketing initiatives that promote and attract audiences toTasmanian events held between 1 January and 30 June 2025. Funding is offered in two tiers: Tier 1 ($2,500–$5,000) for events targeting intrastate audiences and Tier 2 ($5,001–$10,000) for interstate audiences.Grants are available until the available funding allocation has been fully allocated or program closesclose 2:00PM 1 May 2025.

Funding for mass participation events held in Tasmania This program provides funding to event organisers hosting large events in Tasmania.

Free mentoring support for First Nations tourism businesses. tailored and one-one-one mentoring services from experienced tourism industry professionals.

Support for TAS tourism businesses to reduce their emissions
The Tourism Industry Council Tasmanian (TICT) is supporting tourism businesses to reducing their emissions through targeted programs.


Arts, Entertainment, Screen & Production

Funding and Resources for Tasmanian screen practitioners
Screen Tasmania Funding and Support provide screen practitioners with funding and resources to support the development, production and promotion of screen content.

Funding and resources for Australian screen practitioners
Screen Australia Funding and Support provides screen practitioners with funding and resources to support the development, production and promotion of Australian screen content.

Australian Cultural Fund  A fundraising platform for Australian artists. Upload your project, start your fundraising campaign and invite art lovers and supporters to donate with 100% of donations going directly towards your creative project.

Fundraising coaching & advice In our bespoke one-on-one sessions, we’ll equip you with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to improve you fundraising capability.


Social Enterprise

Support for Tasmanian start-up social enterprises and impact-driven businesses
The Shift Lab provides new social enterprises and impact-driven businesses with support, structures, tools and resources.

Social Enterprise Capability Building Grants
This program provides funding to social enterprises to help them become more efficient and effective in delivering social benefits to vulnerable Australians.


Young People

Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA)
The Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) in a one-off government payment for young people aged between 15 – 25. It provides a financial contribution of $1,500 to assist young people with transitioning to independent living.

Mantana Foundation for Young People
The Mantana Foundation for Young People provides assistance toyoung persons from disadvantaged or marginalized backgrounds. The focus is on providing programs that target school retention and increased educational achievement, employment skills development and career pathways, and social and community connectedness, together with servicesin geographical areas where funding is difficult to source.


Business Support

Waste Resource Recovery Sponsorship Program

Tasmanian organisations are invited to apply for sponsorship funding for innovative projects, events, or initiatives that recover resources from waste and reduce landfill. Funding ranges from $1,000 to $10,000 per project. Applications close once funding is fully allocated, so interested businesses are encouraged to apply promptly.

Small business training for people interested in self-employment
This program provides support to people interested in starting their own business or who need help to refocus an existing small business.

No interest business loans for low income Tasmanians
The No Interest Micro Business Loan provides low income earners with interest-free loans to support their new or growing business.

Growth programs for businesses
The Business Growth Programs provide businesses with access to expert advice and programs that will help them grow their business.

Bonus tax deduction for small businesses accessing external training for their employees
This initiative provides small businesses with a bonus tax deduction to help them train new staff and upskill existing staff.

Tax deductions for small businesses to digitise their operations
This initiative allows small businesses to claim a 20% bonus deduction on technology expenditure to help digitise their business.

Pre-employment project opportunities to recruit new staff
The Launch into Work program is for businesses that want to use a pre-employment project to recruit new staff.

Financial incentives for businesses to hire new staff
Wage subsidies provide financial incentives to employers to hire and retain eligible participants in ongoing and sustainable positions.

Matched funding for start-ups and small business to access CSIRO support
CSIRO Kick-Start provides matched funding for start-ups and small to medium enterprises to help access CSIRO's research expertise and capabilities to help grow your business.  . 

Funding for workers with a disability
The Employment Assistant Fund provides workers with a disability with funding for workplace modifications, equipment or services they need to perform their job. 

Business Energy Efficiency Scheme The scheme will provide loan interest subsidies to eligible applicants by way of a once-off grant payment to install the energy efficient goods/equipment, or have energy efficiency services delivered. Through BEES, the Tasmanian Government will fund:

  • the full interest costs under the loan on up to $10,000 over the first three years, and
  • a 5 percentage point interest subsidy for loan amounts over $10,000 and less than $60,000 over the first three years.

Loans for businesses to support exports
The Small Business Export Loan provides small to medium export businesses with loans to cover up to 80% of the costs to secure an export contract or purchase order with an overseas buyer.


Agriculture, primary production  

Funding for organisations to do rural industry research
AgriFutures Australia RD&E Investment provides funding for organisations to help conduct research that will improve the sustainability and profitability of new and established rural industries.

Support for farmers experiencing financial hardship
The farm household allowance program provides farming families experiencing financial hardship with assistance through planning and training for long-term financial improvements as well as income support for up to 4 years.


Tech & Advanced Manufacturing 

Network of specialised programs to support Australian technology companies to expand globally
Landing Pads provide start-ups with a workspace for up to 90 days in a global innovation hub, along with access to coaching, investors, customers, training and networking events.

Funding for businesses undertaking renewable energy projects
The Advancing Renewables Program provides businesses with funding or finance to develop renewable energy technologies.

Funding to support zero emissions vehicle (ZEV) technologies
This program provides funding to enable the demonstration and deployment of new zero emissions vehicle technologies..

Financial benefits for businesses that recycle oil
The Product Stewardship for Oil Program provides financial benefit for businesses that recycle oil or use recycled oil in their operations.



Financial help for Tasmanian businesses to move goods by sea
The Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme provides businesses and individuals with financial assistance to offset the costs of moving goods by sea.



Residential Land Rebate - 31 July 2026


Current Grants are available from these websites:


Grant Alerts

  • The grants administered by  Community Partnerships and Priorities  provide information on a range of funding opportunities available to community organisations. To subscribe and stay updated,


Grant Writing Support