Have Your Say – Improving Services to our Community

Published on 12 April 2022

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Late last year, Council adopted its Four Year Council Plan 2022-2025. One of the high level focus areas within this plan is the Council’s Digital Transformation for the City of Burnie.

Burnie City Council Mayor Steve Kons said “The digital transformation project has our customer at its heart – we want to work with our community to identify the types of services and dealings with the Council that could be improved through the use of technology.

“We want to be faster and more efficient in how we do things; look at opportunities to service our community in new ways; be easier to deal with and collaborate with; and deliver more value to our community with less effort which as we know has the potential to reduce costs.

“We would like people to think about the Council services they use and the ways they interact with that Council and tell us what works well and what can be improved. Could technology be part of the solution?”

As a lead in to these discussions perhaps consider:

  • The current range of services – are we meeting your needs or could we deliver services or information to you in different ways?
  • Are there matters that you need to either call the Council about, or drop in to see us for, could we improve your experience by offering these services using technology?
  • Think about the payments you make to the Council – could we improve this in any way such as offering more ability to pay your bills online?
  • What services and technology enhancements have you seen in other Council’s or government that we might consider?

Council will be holding a number of feedback sessions where we are inviting our community to come along and share their thoughts and ideas about how we can improve our services. These sessions will run for approximately 1.5hrs. An online survey is now available for those who are unable to attend a feedback session, or that prefer to deal with us online. Further information will be provided with regard to this option.

Please note that the drop in feedback sessions previously advertised are to be rescheduled due to COVID. The new dates and times will be advertised shortly. 

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