Name our Sea Creatures

Published on 10 March 2023

Anddddd… we have your winner ����
Introducing our famous Burnie Squids to you: meet Callum & Murray ��
Submitted first by our winner Gabrielle Mundy
We had some great name suggestions, thank you to those who submitted names, but this one was by far the most popular option!
The winning plaque will be going up at the foreshore soon and we thank you again for being part of something that’s a little bit of fun for our community. ��



Join us in the fun! All you have to do is submit your 2 name squidgestions (yes you need to name them both) at the form below for your chance to win the immense honour and privilege of being the one who named Burnie’s foreshore sea creatures!

You have until March 15th to come up with your best name ideas and squidmit them below - then we will release the top names on our Facebook page for you all to get to vote on your favourite names. ✅

And yesss, you will get your name on the plaque, which will also include the names you’ve chosen for the squid!


It’s going to be squidiculous!!




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