Trial Extension of Pension Rates Remission Scheme

Published on 18 December 2023

Pension Rates Tile.png

Eligible pensioners, including health care card holders, are entitled to a rates remission of the lesser of either 30% of your rates or the prescribed maximum amount for 2024-25, which is $379 for TasWater clients and $559 for non-TasWater clients.  This is administered by the State Government Revenue Office.

  • If your Pension Card is dated on or before the 1st July of the current financial year, the property is your primary place of residency, and you are the Ratepayer, you are eligible to claim the State Government Pension Remission.

  • If your pension card starts after the 1st July, you are not eligible to claim anything from the Government until next year as long as you still meet the requirements at that time.


Trail Extension by Council

The Burnie City Council believes the current eligibility is unfair because if your card is dated, for instance, 7th July, you miss out on claiming the discount for the whole year, despite actually holding the card for most of the year.

Therefore, the Council has resolved to trial a pro-rata Pension Discount for our ratepayers whose cards start after 1st July of the current year, provided they meet the same requirements as the Government Pension Remission Scheme.

We will be lobbying for the State Government to update their eligibility process to ensure a fairer system for residents across Tasmania.

This trial will be available until 31 March 2025.


Rates application for trial pension discount 2024-25(PDF, 79KB)


To speak with us about this, visit us in the council or give our team a call.

Visit us in person:
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

Phone: (03) 6430 5700


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