Community Grants Program

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Council's Community Grants Program provides funding to support the community and deliver strategic outcomes for Council.
The grants program enables Council to support a diverse range of activities, services, programs and events that are responsive to community’s needs. The program aims to activate the community by promoting new and creative experiences and provides opportunities to enhance existing assets and protect and conserve the environment.


Applications for the Community Grants Program round for 2025-26
open on Monday, 27 January 2025 and will close on Sunday, 2 March 2025.

Note: Achievement Grants are open all year round.




Online Grant Applications

Our grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Please select an option below to access the relevant SmartyGrants application form.

Subsidy Applications 

Mobile Food Subsidy

The Community Grants Policy has an annual allocation to subsidise the payment of food licencing fees for eligible charitable organisations. The Mobile Food Business Licence subsidy must be used to support an organisation in charitable fund raising activities. This support is provided to not-for-profit Burnie charitable organisations which offer benefits to the people of Burnie.


Not Eligible for subsidy: If your School, Club or Organisation is conducting a BBQ to raise money for your club or school.

Eligible: If your Burnie based organisation is holding a BBQ to raise money for a registered charity ie: Motor Neurone Disease, Breast Cancer or Leukaemia.  Please download and complete the details in the form to request the Subsidy.

Community Discount Request on Venue Hire

Community organisations may request a discount off the standard functions and performing arts venue hire fee for both the Burnie Arts & Function Centre, in accordance with the Community Assistance Policy.

Where the event is one that secures funding through the community grants program, costs will not be discounted, and the costs must be included in full in the grant application for funding


1. The venue discount shall apply to:

  • Clubs and community organisations either located in Burnie or which have substantial membership from Burnie residents, and which offer benefits to the people of Burnie (Note that Financial Assistance may be made to Regional/District organisations for distribution to sub or local branches where this situation applies); or
  • Not-for-profit community organisations providing a public benefit to the Burnie community; or
  • Educational functions primarily involve students from the Burnie region, endorsed by the Department of Education or the Principal of an independent school.

2. Council may provide a discount on equipment hire at the discretion of the Executive Manager Burnie Arts & Function Centre.

3. Any direct additional costs, such as technical staff costs will not be discounted.


For more information on community grants process please contact the Functions and Events Coordinator on, or call 03 6430 5832.

Community Grant Application Process 2025 by Burnie City Council Communications Officer


Previous Grants awarded 
