Planning FAQs

What is involved in the planning application process:

All planning applications require the payment of a fee.

The fee depends upon the type and scope of the use or development being proposed. It is recommended that you contact Council’s Planning Team for an accurate calculation of fees for a particular application.

Some applications may require approval from a State Government agency (e.g. Environment Protection Authority), additional fees may be charged by the State Government in such circumstances.

Information about planning application fees(PDF, 439KB)

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme details the types of use and development that are permitted, discretionary, prohibited or exempt from planning approval within each zone.

Permitted Applications

Permitted applications are allowable under the planning scheme and for which council Planning Authority must issue a Planning Permit with or without conditions attached.

Discretionary Applications

Any person has a right to object to a discretionary application during a 14 day public advertising period. 

Public notification methods that occur include: 

  • Sending a written notice to all adjoining owners and occupiers;
  • Displaying a notice at the boundary of the land;
  • Placing an advertisement in The Advocate newspaper; and
  • Making the application available for inspection at Council’s office.
  • Some details of the application can also be viewed on the Council's website.   

After the advertising period, and consideration of any submissions, the Council Planning Authority may either approve a discretionary application with conditions, or refuse the application. 

Planning Application Assessment

Your application will be assessed by Council's Planning Team which is a multi-discipline group of professional officers.

Planning Decisions

Planning applications are generally determined by staff under delegated authority. However, if a representation is received the application may be determined by the elected members, Councillors at an Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 requires the Planning Authority to determine:

  • ‘Permitted’ planning applications within 28 days and
  • ‘Discretionary’ planning applications within 42 days from the date the application becomes valid.

If the Planning Authority requires additional information be provided before it can make a decision the 42 day time frame will be halted until this additional information is provided to the Planning Authority.

For grant of a discretionary permit the Burnie planning authority must notify all adjoining owners and occupiers, place a notice on the site, and place a notice in the Advocate newspaper; providing a period of 14-days during which any interested person may inspect the application.


Anyone may make a representation (in favour of or against) a discretionary application during the 14 day exhibition period.  

Representations in writing, must be received before close of the specified exhibition period. 

A representation must relate to the discretionary matter in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme for that application.

You can lodge representation clearly marked “Representation Land Use Permit Application -  (reference number)” –

  • by email to 
  • by post addressed to –
    Planning Department
    Burnie City Council
    PO Box 973, Burnie TAS 7320; or
  • by delivery to City Offices, 80 Wilson Street, Burnie.

The planning authority will advise you of the outcome of your representation and its decision on the permit application.

A person who has made a representation and who is dissatisfied with a decision of the planning authority may appeal that decision to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Please note - If the use or development does not require a permit, or if a permit is not discretionary, the planning authority is not required to notify a permit application.  There is no right for an adjoining owner or occupier, or for any other person, to view the application or to make a representation in relation to that application.

Applicants may appeal the Planning Authority’s decision on a planning application within 14 days of the decision being served on them.  The applicant may appeal either against the decision to refuse an application, or against the conditions imposed on a planning permit.

Any person who has lodged representation regarding a planning application during the 14 day advertising period may lodge an appeal within 14 days of the decision being served.

Lodging an Appeal

Planning appeals are heard by the Tasmanian Civil & Administrative Tribunal, which is a body established under the State's planning laws. The Appeal Tribunal is completely independent of the Planning Authority.

The Appeal Tribunal's contact details are as follows:

Telephone: 1800 657 500
Postal Address: GPO Box 1311, HOBART  TAS  7001
Street Address: 38 Barrack Street, HOBART  TAS  7000
Website: - The Land Information System Tasmania (the LIST) is a whole-of-government online infrastructure that helps you find information about land and property in Tasmania. is an interactive site with planning schemes and zoning maps for each council area plus state-wide maps.

In Tasmania the key Act setting out the planning process, including the roles and functions of Council, is the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993

PlanBuild Tasmania portal  The PlanBuild Tasmania portal allows anyone to enter an address and see what planning zones and codes apply to their property in Tasmania. A Property Report can be generated which includes maps, details of the planning zone, codes and other information that affect the selected property.

For those properties that fall under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme, PlanBuild Tasmania provides a comprehensive Guided Enquiry service, including identifying planning, building and plumbing rules that may apply to a proposed project.

People will be able to work through a series of questions on their proposed project resulting in information on:

  • who to consult (e.g. local council, Heritage Tasmania)
  • who can do the work (e.g. a licensed builder)
  • what to apply for (e.g. a permit).

After completing an enquiry if the person has additional questions or wants to request advice from a council, this can be lodged online using PlanBuild Tasmania.