How to apply for a Planning Permit

To apply for a planning permit for use and / or development, you need to complete an application form and gather the required documents before lodging them with the planning authority. You will need to prepare: 


  1. Planning permit for use and / or development - application form(PDF, 276KB) .

  2. Full copy of the Certificate of Title, Plan and any Schedule of Easements for each lot involved. 

  3. A description of the proposed use and / or development, including details of the location.

  4. Supporting information (eg site plan, floor plan, elevation plan, drainage plan)

  5. Statement of Compliance for Road Access and Storm Water Access - Request a Compliance Statement.

  6. Justification against relevant performance criteria, showing how you meet this, if applicable

For more information please contact Council’s planning officers on 03 6430 5700, or browse through these Planning FAQs


To apply for grant of a permit to commence and carry out a use or development on land, you will need to lodge a permit application with the planning authority.

A permit application must –

  • include a signed application form(PDF, 276KB)
  • identify the land on which the proposed use or development will be carried out, and include a full copy of each certificate of title;
  • contain the consent in writing of the owner of the land to lodge the application if the land is Crown land or is land owned or managed by a State authority or a council;
  • contain details of the location of the proposed use or development;
  • contain a full description of the proposed use or development;
  • indicate how it is proposed that the proposed use or development will comply with each relevant standard and purpose statement in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (TPS) that is applicable to the proposed use or development;
  • contain any report by a suitably qualified person required by an applicable provision of the TPS;
  • contain any advice or approval required by a provision the TPS to form part of a permit application; and
  • include payment in full for any applicable fee(PDF, 439KB)

The application may contain any document, image, plan, or other material to assist understanding of the characteristics and conditions of the land and the locality; support or enhance a description of the proposed use or development; or help to describe the operation and likely impact of the proposed use or development, including any specialist report to address an applicable zone or code requirement.

The planning authority may request you provide additional information if the information contained in the permit application is not sufficient to enable it to decide whether the proposed use or development will comply with the applicable requirements of the planning scheme.

You can lodge a permit application clearly marked “Land Use Permit Application -  (site address)” 

  • email:
  • post: Planning Department, Burnie City Council
    PO Box 973,
    Burnie TAS 7320; or
  • delivery: City Offices, 80 Wilson Street, Burnie


Once lodgement has been made you will receive an invoice.

Payment of the applicable fee will be required before the assessment of the application will commence.