32 Manuka Drive ROMAINE - CT: 11380/7

On display until 25 March 2025, 05:00 PM

  • Application numberDA 2025/13
  • ProposalDeck (retrospective)

32 Manuka Drive, Romaine 7320  View Map and directions

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The content of the Public Exhibition Documents are subject to copyright and may be protected by law. 

The Council does not and cannot authorise the reproduction, re-distribution, or re-use of any of the information or documents on this website in any form or for any purpose.


Any personal information contained in the permit application and documents is collected by the Council for the purposes only of assessing and determining the permit application in accordance with the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

Such personal information may be protected by the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and must not be used for any other purpose.

The information provided on this website includes a copy of all the documents and material lodged with the permit application, and is the same as that which can also be viewed in hard copy at the Council’s Offices.

 If you access information from this website you have agreed to these Terms and Conditions.



For grant of a discretionary permit the Burnie planning authority must notify all adjoining owners and occupiers, place a notice on the site, and place a notice in the Advocate newspaper; providing a period of 14-days during which any interested person may inspect the application.


Anyone may make a representation (in favour of or against) a discretionary application during the 14 day exhibition period.  

Representations in writing, must be received before close of the specified exhibition period. 

A representation must relate to the discretionary matter in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme for that application.

You can lodge representation clearly marked “Representation Land Use Permit Application -  (reference number)” –

  • by email to burnie@burnie.tas.gov.au 
  • by post addressed to –
    Planning Department
    Burnie City Council
    PO Box 973, Burnie TAS 7320; or
  • by delivery to City Offices, 80 Wilson Street, Burnie.


The planning authority will advise you of the outcome of your representation and its decision on the permit application.

A person who has made a representation and who is dissatisfied with a decision of the planning authority may appeal that decision to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Please note - If the use or development does not require a permit, or if a permit is not discretionary, the planning authority is not required to notify a permit application.  There is no right for an adjoining owner or occupier, or for any other person, to view the application or to make a representation in relation to that application.