Cooee Point Reserve


The Burnie City Council provides a short stay (max 2 nights) free camping for fully self-contained vehicles about 2.5km west of the Burnie town centre.

Cooee Point is an un-serviced site with limited facilities and permits are required. To apply for a permit please complete the Online Application, or visit our friendly staff at Customer Service, Council Offices 80 Wilson Street.

Self-contained vehicle means shower, washing, toilet, cooking and sleeping must be contained within your vehicle.  No water is to be let out onto the ground, surrounding bushes or the sea.

A liquid waste discharge point (RV dump point) and a water supply point is provided within the vicinity: see w3w /// for exact location.

Camping on Cooee Point, in a tent, or in a vehicle that does not have its own water supply, washing and toilet facilities with a waste water tank, is not permitted.
Dogs are also not permitted.

The full terms and conditions can be found with the application form.


Cooee Point Reserve, Cooee Point Road, Cooee 7320  View Map and directions