Burnie Waste Management Centre

burnie waste management centre

Open 7 days a week, the Burnie Waste Management Resource Recovery and Transfer Station offers various waste, green waste and recycling disposal, and is home to the Burnie Resale Tip Shop.

Drop off is FREE for the following recyclable materials: steel, cardboard, e-waste, batteries, cooking oil, engine oil, BBQ gas bottles, light globes, paint tins, and commingled food/beverage containers.  

Refer to this guide for hints on how to SORT Your Load(PDF, 1MB) , plus a map of the site for your information.

The rates notice waste vouchers may be used to drop off green waste and general waste for free. Your waste centre voucher barcodes can be scanned from your phone, or printed if you prefer.

Find out about our nationally accredited Wetlands for leachate management.



Burnie Waste Management Centre, 289 Mooreville Road, Burnie 7321  View Map and directions

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